Jasmina’s love of drawing and sketching is part of how she sees the world. “I love to look out at the world and reproduce what I see,” she says. “But the thing about drawing and sketching is that what you see is always an interpretation. You aren’t just taking a photograph, which is exact. You are sort of processing what you are looking at, and you’re making sure you put your own take on it, your own personality. A really good artist invests their personality in everything they create. So what they draw or sketch is obviously something they own, while obviously being what they see. It’s a wonderful way to see the world, always adding your vision to it.”
Yoga is something that Jasmina enjoys because she enjoys her body. “I take a lot of pride in my shape, in the way my body makes men look and feel,” she says. “It’s very exciting to know that just by seeing you, a man is getting turned on. His interest in your body is something you can really enjoy. When a man’s eyes roam over your body, and he thinks about what he’d love to do with you, that’s real power.”
Availability: Evenings
Age: 23
Location: Outcall Only
Nationality: Portuguese
Languages spoke: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5’9″