Elegant Paola is a thoughtful young woman who keeps a journal of her adventures in escorting, but who respects the privacy of her clients so much that she uses no names. She used to be a cheerleader and is proud of the fact that she can still fit into the same uniform. She likes soccer and spends her leisure time playing a variety of sports, as she enjoys staying active.
“The human body is this beautiful machine,” Paola says. “People in ancient times, like the Greeks, knew just how beautiful this machine could be. They venerated the ideal human form and carved it out of marble, things that we still admire today. It’s amazing to me to see how people hundreds and hundreds of years ago saw themselves. It’s just mind-blowing. But their idea of what is beautiful isn’t at all very different from what we admire today. Sure, what is popular has changed a little. There was the skinny look in the seventies, and today things are a little different, slimmer than they once were, but not as rail-thin as the seventies. Still, though, what a man likes has stayed pretty much constant over the centuries. Men like a healthy woman with nice, round hips, big breasts, a firm, round behind, and a tight stomach. That’s universal. That’s what is sexy and beautiful.”
Availability: Evenings
Age: 28
Location: Outcall Only
Nationality: Portuguese
Languages spoke: English, Spanish, Portuguese
Hair color: Brunette
Eye color: Hazel
Height: 5’9″